Daniel J. Woodhouse

email: daniel.woodhouse [[at]] mail.mcgill.ca

two chaps

I am a mathematician. I was once a Glasstone Postdoctoral Fellow and Senior Demy at Magdalen College, Oxford. Before that I was a postdoc at the Technion in Haifa, Israel. I completed my PhD at McGill, defending my thesis in November 2016. My supervisor was Dani Wise.

My research interests lie within geometric group theory, hyperbolic geometry, and low dimensional topology. In particular, I spend a lot of time working with CAT(0) cube complexes. Here is my CV.

I have a page on the arxiv.

I maintain a blog, No Bigons, where I write about mathematics, books I've read, and travel (less so now), among other things.


Graphically discrete groups and rigidity with Alex Margolis, Sam Shepherd, and Emily Stark arxiv

Asymptotic cones of snowflake groups and the strong shortcut property, with Christopher H. Cashen and Nima Hoda, 67 pages, arxiv Leighton's Theorem and Regular Cube Complexes , Algebr. Geom. Topol. 23i , No. 7, 3395-3415 (2023) arxiv

Quasi-isometric rigidity for graphs of virtually free groups with two-ended edge groups , with Sam Shepherd,Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik (Crelles Journal), vol. 2022, no. 782, 2022, pp. 121-173. arxiv

Action rigidity for free products of hyperbolic manifold groups, with Emily Stark, 24 pages, accepted to Annales de l'Institut Fourier, arxiv

Alternative proof of ball-restricted version, with Giles Gardam, 5 pages, Appendix to Two Generalisations of Leighton's Theorem by Sam Shepherd arxiv

Hyperbolic groups that are not commensurably coHopfian with Emily Stark. IMRN, 04 (2020), , arxiv [Accompanying blog post]

Residually finite tubular groups with Nima Hoda and Dani Wise, Proc. A Royal Soc. Edinburgh, Section A: Mathematics, August 2019, arxiv

Revisiting Leighton's Theorem with the Haar Measure, Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc., January 2020, arxiv

The geometry of one-relator groups satisfying a polynomial isoperimetric inequality with Giles Gardam, 5 pages, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 147 (2019), no. 1, Pages 125–129. arxiv

Quasi-isometric groups with no common model geometry with Emily Stark, 18 pages, J. Lond. Math. Soc. Volume99, Issue 3, (2019) 853-871 arxiv

Classifying virtually special tubular groups. Groups Geom. Dyn. 12 (2018), no. 2, 679–702. arxiv

A generalized axis theorem for cube complexes. Algebr. Geom. Topol. 17 (2017), no. 5, 2737–2751. arxiv

The a-T-menability of some graphs of groups with cyclic edge groups. with Mathieu Carette and Dani Wise, Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 163 (2017), no. 1, 145–159. arxiv

A cubical flat torus theorem and the bounded packing property. with Dani Wise, Israel J. Math. 217 (2017), no. 1, 263–281. arxiv

Classifying finite dimensional cubulations of tubular groups. Michigan Math. J. 65 (2016), no. 3, 511–532. arxiv

Ongoing projects:

Generalizing Leighton's theorem to families of special cube complexes


Trinity 2020 - Consultations for Geometric Group Theory, Topology and Groups, and Infinite Groups.

Hilary 2020 - Class tutor for Geometric Group Theory

Michaelmas 2019 - Class tutor for Topology and Groups

Winter Semester 2017/18 106385 SEMINAR IN TOPOLOGY 2

Recorded Talks:

A video of me talking about my new proof of Leighton's theorem at Warwick. (2018)

A video of me talking about tubular groups at the Isaac Newton Institute. (2017)


A demonstration of elliptic orbits in javascript.

I have written for McSweeney's Internet Tendency.

Here are some some books which I think are worth reading.

I highly recommend A Good Read on BBC Radio 4 and the New York Times Book Review podcast.

The top picture is of me and Matthew Cordes (taken by Emily Stark). The second picture is a very partial mathematical family photo taken at Bestfest, Luminy (2019)